Senate Bill 82, in effect since the 2007-2008 school year, related to safety regulations for certain public school extracurricular activities.
This legislation:
- Requires safety training for all coaches or sponsors for athletic activities, and any marching band director. UIL has developed a safety training program for coaches and sponsors of athletic activities that is available through the UIL Online as part of the Rules Compliance Program. Visit the Rules Compliance Program to complete Safety Training. Additional information from the Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 76.1003, on these requirements as they pertain to athletic trainers and team physicians.
- Mandates that schools, at least once per year, conduct a safety drill that incorporates the training described in the safety training program developed by UIL.
- Requires that student athletes be provided training in recognizing symptoms of catastrophic injuries, including head and neck injuries, concussions, asthma attacks, heatstroke, cardiac arrest and injuries requiring use of an AED, the risks of using nutritional supplements. This training can be conducted by the school, using the materials available on the SB 82 portion of the Health and Safety Section of the UIL web site.
- Mandates that unsafe athletic activities are prohibited and schools must make sure that safety precautions are required (asthma medication, hydration materials present, emergency lanes clear etc.)
- Requires that any student who is rendered unconscious while participating (in practice or game) cannot participate further in that practice or game any more and must get written clearance prior to any further participation.
- Mandates that records of compliance with the requirements of the legislation be kept and be made public upon request.
- Requires that non-compliance with the provisions of the bill could subject the school to penalties as outlined in section 27 and 29 of the Constitution and Contest Rules.
- Mandates that the Texas Education Agency create hotline number and email address for reports of non-compliance and schools must post that information in their administration offices. To report complaints or violations, contact the Curriculum Division of the Texas Education Agency by phone at 512-463-9581 or by email at [email protected].
- Requires the text of sections of bill as well as the Parent Information Manual must be provided to parents of participants. The bill does allow that the required materials can be provided electronically, unless specifically requested otherwise.