English » Department Information

Department Information

Communication Applications - Classroom Policies and Procedures

Welcome to Communication Applications. Please review the policies and procedures in order to have a successful semester.

Credit Requirement: The state requires every student to receive half a credit of Communication Applications to fulfill graduation requirements.

Absences: Any student who is absent must be sure to ask for all make-up work. It is your responsibility to get all make-up work and turn it in on a timely basis. If you are absent when a major presentation is due, you will still be required to perform your presentation. Please see me as soon as possible so that you will not lose major points.

Tardies: Tardies will not be tolerated. VMHS tardy policy will be followed. Passes: Students are encouraged to stay in class for the entire class period. However, there may be emergencies that require you to leave, and a pass may or may not be issued by the teacher. If you abuse this privilege, you will no longer be allowed to leave the class for any reason. No passes will be issued when a lecture, discussion, or presentation is being given.

Late assignments: Late assignments will be accepted at teacher's discretion. If a late assignment is accepted, you will automatically be deducted 10 points per day. Materials: Students are expected to arrive to class with all materials. Students will need: Spiral notebook Blue or black pens Regular loose leaf notebook paper Folder with brackets and pockets (used to keep all written assignments and handouts)

Classroom Rules: 1. Be respectful to students and teachers. 2. Be in your seat when the tardy bell rings. 3. Come to class prepared with all materials. 4. Raise your hand for permission to speak and get out of desk. 5. Follow MCISD code of conduct. Consequences: 1. Verbal warning 2. Student/teacher conference 3. Parent phone call 4. Student sent to the office immediately (fighting, profanity, insubordination) Grading: Everything you do in class is for a grade. The following scale will be used to determine you final average for each six weeks.

Classwork/Homework: 30% (written assignments, journals, and participation) Presentations: 35% (Your grade can not afford a missing presentation) Quizzes/Tests: 35% *Some presentations will require that you dress appropriately (Sunday dress) Major points will be deducted if you are not dressed appropriately.

Daily Class Schedule: I. Journal entry: A journal entry will be written on the board every day. You will keep your journal in your spiral and will be required to write at least three pages on a weekly basis. II. Discussion: You will receive a daily participation grade. III. Daily assignment: Could be written or oral presentations. IV. Closure This is just an approximation and may vary on different days. Please always follow the agenda that is written on the board.

Semester Schedule

First Six Weeks: The Communication Process Introduction of Self Introduction to Public Speaking Descriptive Speech

Second Six Weeks: Informative Speech Demonstration Speech Persuasive Speech Current Event Speech Listening Skills/Nonverbal Communication

Third Six Weeks: Special Occasion Speeches: Motivational, Acceptance of an award or nomination, Eulogy, etc. Group Communication Debates