Veterans Memorial High School Home

Principal's Message

      Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!
I am thrilled to be welcoming your child(ren) back to school! We have eagerly anticipated the return of our students to our VMHS campus. Our continued commitment to fostering resilience, perseverance, grit, empathy, and the ability to communicate effectively in diverse learning partnerships will undoubtedly help our students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. 
In addition to the physical safety and academic prominence, a stronger emphasis will be placed on social emotional learning. Veterans Memorial High School is such a special place to learn and grow. We are proud of our campus and have high expectations for each and every student. Our students are kind, compassionate, inquisitive risk-takers. 
Together with our dedicated staff, we strive to make connections with students to help them feel valued, accepted, and safe. Our VMHS motto of “Academic Excellence! The Right of Every Student!” will continue to guide our mission to provide a rigorous and joyful school environment. Our goal is to encourage active student engagement to foster a lifetime love for learning. 
Partnering with families will be crucial this year. We appreciate your support as you work with students at home. We encourage families to stay connected and informed by following our district website, campus website/social media for important updates and information regarding our campus and events. Working towards a year filled with success! 
Fidel Garza Jr., M.A. Ed 
Principal, VMHS 

Recent News

Patriot Parent Newsletter Featured Photo

Patriot Parent Newsletter

VMHS Parents and Students, Please read the first issue of the Patriot Parent Newsletter for information on the upcoming school year


Welcome to our Patriot Nation where our school pride flows Patriot Blue and out winning traditions are legendary! We are exited about you being part of our Patriot Family!
