Images and ideas to aid in filling details for the Student Information Profile... Also ideas for the Listing handout...
Narrative Writing TELPAS Video
Bits of instructions with some helpful images to prompt weaker writers -- topic choices of writing about a time you felt sorry for someone, OR a time you said something you should not have said...
Instructional Design & Technology Trends
My presentation for an advanced technology course through UTB in the summer of 2012 - used APA format (not MLA), I believe... Perhaps this can help with our research on Social Media/Networking positives/negatives...
Joaquin Intro 2 2016
Introduction of images, ideas, music for the poem "I Am Joaquin" by Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales - from the 60s civil rights era...
Joaquin Intro 1 2016
Introduction of images, ideas, music for the poem "I Am Joaquin" by Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales - from the 60s civil rights era...
The Road Visual Ideas
For The Road creative writing assignment - ideas to help you get into detail and depth...
PDF version of the PPT/video - to scroll and find the information without transitions, sound, etc.
In Community SCOUT 2014 GG TPSP REVmp
Teacher Model - less then 10 minutes - on the Texas Performance Standards Project... Most will present about 5 minutes' worth before Q & A and can take other forms. This is a PPT made into movie